Friday, February 23, 2024 –Tiger Brands has appointed six new managers among them Mr. Polycarp Igathe
Through a statement dated Thursday February 22, announced the appointment saying, Mr. Igathe, a corporate guru will serve in the capacity of head the International Brands Unit, in a move meant to drive the business forward.
“We are pleased to announce the internal appointment of six managing directors who will be leading our newly organised business units, following a review of our operating model and structure to enable consumer obsession, agile execution, and innovation,” the appointment statement indicated.
Other MDs areQuinton Swart to head the Bakeries unit, Dumo Mfini (Culinary), Grant Pereira (Snacks, Treats and Beverages), Liezel Holmes (Grains) and Ismail Nanabhay (Home, Personal Care and Baby).
The food and beverage company which boasts of success across the African continent has establishments in 25 countries with five priority markets in Cameroon, Mozambique, Zambia, Zimbabwe and Nigeria.
Igathe, who was the Tiger Brands Regional Managing Director for East Africa business between 2008 and 2013 before leaving, rejoined the company in November 2023 when he was appointed Chief Growth Officer.
The corporate hotshot has had immense success in the business world having headed top organisations among them Coca-Cola, Kenya Breweries, Haco Industries, Vivo Energy as well Equity Bank.
He was also briefly the Deputy Governor of Nairobi in 2017 before contesting for the 2022 gubernatorial seat albeit, unsuccessfully.