Saturday January 30, 2021 -Governors who are serving there second term all want to become presidents because they think that is where they now fit. Power actually corrupts.
Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya, Machakos County boss Alfred Mutua, Mombasa’s Hassan Joho, Busia County CEO Sospiter Ojaamong and Makueni’s Kivutha Kibwana all are now threatening to vie for the top seat after enjoying some little power in their counties. They now feel they are big enough to replace Uhuru.
Well, what could pushing these governors is the fact that they have amassed wealth enough to mount a presidential campaign. Give this to them. Further they have no where else to go unless they try the running for the top seat. This is all drama! They must be reminded that Presidency cannot be for every wealthy person in the world and if this was so then today this country would be under men like Jimmy Wanjigi, Manu Chandaria among a few others.
For Instance, Kakamega Governor is already asking the former Prime Minister Raila Odinga to pave way for him in the 2022 race same to Hassan Joho who has started warning anyone thinking he cannot lead the nation to be ready for him because he is not turning back.
“In Western Kenya we have a good number of delagates. That tells you I have somewhere to start from, we will then traverse the country to campaign among delegates,” Oparanya told the Star Newspaper.
How this drama will end will be everyone’s bother but a free advise to them would be ‘it is not every Tom Harry and Dick who can win the presidency’ and even by looking at the current political setting, how are they going to dislodge the two big players – Raila and Ruto – from their overwhelming national popularity?
Simply put, these bunch of confused governors will end up wasting their ill-gotten money campaigning for something they cannot get. It will end in tears! Kenyans don’t want Abduba Diddas in this important 2022 race anymore.