Monday, June 27, 2022 –Deceit is one of the things God hates most. Kiambu Gubernatorial candidate William Kabogo has quoted. The politician who has since severed ways with Deputy President William Ruto, yesterday Sunday June 26, surfaced with a quote from the Bible speaking about ‘conmaship’ in their Kenya Kwanza coalition. “It is very clear in the Bible that deceit is an act that God hates. There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him (Proverbs 6:16-19). God have mercy on us.” Kabogo posted in his Twitter handle. The visibly angry Kabogo of Tujibebe Party who…

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Monday, June 27, 2022 –The vocabulary ‘Sacrifice’ is not a new word in the dictionary. Even in the Bible, Abraham had to sacrifice his son at some point. Whether he finally sacrificed or not that is a story for another day. Essentially, there is no gain without pain. Those who are ready to endure pain and for a long time will be the one to move next step. That has never changed, anyway. In fact, if it was easy, everybody would be driving an Audi on the road. To make it in life, one has to practice opportunity coasting; there…

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Sunday, June 26, 2022 –Outspoken Kilifi Governor Amason Jeffer Kingi who recently ditched Azimio la Umoja coalition for Kenya Kwanza has been missing in action for now some weeks. In a thread which has been trending for the better part of this week, the Pamoja African Alliance PAA Party leader who is supposed to be on the fore front to receive any Kenya Kwanza principal in their Coastal tours, has not been showing up and word has it that he could be on ago slow towards August 9 elections. That Apart from his open supremacy differences with Malindi Member of…

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Sunday, June 26, 2022 –The political dynamics continue to cause both excitement and confusion in equal measure as candidates try as much as possible to attract the massive youthful population currently making  a huge chunk of the country. As Deputy President William Ruto rides high through his now popular Hustler Gospel, Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition of Raila Odinga and Martha Karua cannot afford to be left behind. In their characteristic new style of campaigning, they have tried as much as possible to also talk to the teens and youth in this country through a series catchy online and mainstream…

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Sunday, June 26, 2022 –A sigh of relief engulfed Bondo area after Tom Okwach’s body was finally retrieved from the mines, seven months later. The victim was trapped in the rubble when Abimbo Gold Mine in the area collapsed last December of 2021 sending the entire country into both shock and mourning. This was the most unlucky case since eight of his colleagues working in the same mines were found alive 20 feet down the mining chambers entry. Rescuers fetched from around the area would quickly swing into action with all manner of tools with the direct support from the…

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Sunday, June 26, 2022 –A fatal accident which almost claimed several lives along Nairobi Expressway on Saturday night left behind one death and a great damage. Christened Nairobi Expressway Accident, a speeding car first rammed another which affected a series of other cars along the highway on Saturday 25 night. Our sources, revealed that the visibly drunk man who first caused the accident was reportedly driving at 170Km/hour losing control and hitting another car in front of him. “The motorist crashed into the Toll Plaza and ran over other vehicles that were being cleared to exit. Consequently, the vehicle knocked…

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Saturday, June 25, 2022 –There have been confirmed to be an increase insecurity cases in Nakuru Town following a series of killings targeting mainly young women in particular. Assassins on rampage are reported to target, accost, confront and kill only females around the populous town. Twenty five year old Diana Opicho is the latest victim – beautiful woman – who was killed in Mawanga Nakuru this week. She met her brutal death on 24/6/2022 at her father’s home in Bahati. Sources told that Diana was relaxing in the sitting room when two armed assassins knocked the door claiming to…

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Saturday, June 25, 2022 –A prominent presidential candidate is offering Prof George Wajackoyah a whopping sh 200 million to persuade him to drop out of the presidential race. The Roots Party presidential candidate made this revelation in a club in Roysambu Nairobi where he had gone to meet his youthful supporters at night. He detailed how the mysterious individuals have, not once, been calling him with a plan to persuade him to drop out of the race because they feel he has been eating into their support base across the country. Not mentioning their names, the lawyer added that his…

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Saturday, June 25, 2022 –Kiambu County gubernatorial candidate William Kabogo has endorsed Azimio la Umoja-One Kenya coalition leader Raila Odinga following his recent fallout with Kenya Kwanza leadership. The ex-Kiambu boss who is seeking a re-election through his newly found Tujibebe Party was yesterday Friday June 24 heard asking residents to vote for Mr. Odinga as well as vote him to become their next Kiambu governor. In his rally address, the politician, in a cryptic manner, appeared to be sweet-talking the Azimio supporters to also choose him as their leader in Kiambu County. “I am requesting Raila Odinga’s followers if…

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Saturday, June 25, 2022 –It has been confirmed that a section of staffers at the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission IEBC have been interfering with the official voters register ahead of the general election. Chairman Wafula Chebukati made this revelation on Friday June 24 saying they have commenced investigations into the crisis that is threatening to cripple the August 9 polls. In one instance, it was found that a single voter had been registered 47 times using the same identification ID card. Furthermore, hundreds of voters have been registered in the book using Identification ID cards that do not belong…

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