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Workers who Stole a Generator From Their Employer’s Bar Return it Secretly

Chris Akali

Thursday, July 13, 2023 -Two men aged 19 and 22 were four days ago found with stolen generator after the owner found it missing in the morning.

The owner, Jackline, who runs a local bar in Nyamira woke up in the morning only to find her power generator she bought at sh 148,000 missing.

“I woke up ready to open my bar only to realise that the generator’s cage had been broken into and the machine stolen.

“I asked my workers about it by none accepted to have stolen or arranged for its disappearance from my shop,” she explained.

Angered this far, she arranged to report the matter to police officers but, as usual, the police dilly dallied forcing her to reach out to one of her African Doctors by the name of Dr. Ngoso.

She explained to Ngoso how this happened and the medicine man came to do what he knows best at the bar. Dr. Ngoso went round the bar uttering a few words and also sprinkled some ash near where the generator was fixed before being stolen by the thugs.

Believe it or not, just 24 hours after he had left the premises, the two young men who usually bring water in the bar came carrying the machine.

They were naked as they confessed stealing the generator to go and use the money to bet. They have since been presented to the police. Thanks to Dr. Ngoso’s powerful medicine

From what I have seen, apart from using Traditional medicines, Ngoso also holds prayers alongside healing and, therefore, no doubt that he is a true African medicine man.

Call Ngoso Doctors on +254 718 756 944 to get help in financial struggles; also the doctors can help heal diseases such as blood pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weaknesses and any other ailment.

I can share his contact numbers here +254 718 756 944 /Email: doctorngoso@gmail.com or visit the Website: https://www.doctorngoso.com

Among other important services, they also increase one’s luck in job, job promotion, betting and love-related matters like returning your lost lover back into your life.

Ngoso Doctors exercise doctor-client confidentiality; neither client’s file records, identity nor secrets will be shared to a third party or made public unless otherwise client/s on their own volition wishes to give a testimony!

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