Thursday, July 11, 2024 –Cabinet Secretary CS Moses Kuria has revealed how state official around the country take home a half of taxes paid by Kenyans. Speaking Citizen Tv’s JKL show on Wednesday July 10 night, Mr. Kuria said the country has been suffocating its own people by maintaining a huge wage bill of about 1 million State officials amounting into billions. “1 million of us who are employed by the government, we take home half of the tax revenues of this country. Half of your day, you work for me, you work for 1 million people. Our public expenditure…

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 –Hon. Justice David Majanja passes on at Nairobi Hospital where he was undergoing surgery. The news about his death were made public by his family members on Wednesday July 10 evening. By the time of his death, Majanja was serving as High Court Judge More to Follow…..

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 –President William Ruto has ordered an immediate reduction of government advisors. Chief Of Staff Felix Koskey issued a circular today Wednesday indicating that, following the Presidential directive dated Friday 5th, in which he(Ruto) announced a raft of measures to chop off wastage in his government, the point has reached to start the reduction of State officials to a manageable number. The presidential address outlined policy issues and interventions that matches what the taxpayers can afford to cater for; hence bringing back the fiscal discipline in the public sector.

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 –Kalonzo Musyoka’s Wiper Party’s National Executive Committee (NEC) has resolved to kick out Dadaab Member of Parliament Farah Maalim. This is after the politician was circulated on a clip making inflammatory remarks on anti-government protesters. Wiper Party leaders, on Wednesday July 10, called for his de-whipping from all leadership posts in Parliament and exclusion from the National Assembly speaker’s panel. According to the party, Maalim’s alleged remarks go against the party’s guiding principles and core values. “Let it be known clearly that the Wiper Democratic Movement party distances and disassociates itself from these remarks,” Wiper announced.…

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 –Opposition leader Raila Odinga has explained the reason he had to attend the KICC event with President William Ruto where they both agreed to have a dialogue as their last resort on problems bedeviling the nation. The ODM party position has remained that the attendance by party leader was unavoidable since he had, in the recent past, led earthshaking demonstrations that gave birth to the NADCO report that had almost all the issues demanded by Kenyans. In a long paragraphed statement of Wednesday July 10, Raila’s party shared that he(Raila) almost lost his life in the…

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Wednesday, July 10, 2024 –President William Ruto and opposition leader Raila Odinga are reportedly planning to form a government of National Unity. In a report by Daily Nation issue of Wednesday July 10, it is claimed that Odinga’s ODM Party is now in bed with the Kenya Kwanza regime and plans are underway to make it part of the current regime in what will be called a government of National Unity to reflect the face of the country. This is after the opposition emerged in a press briefing at the Kenyatta International Conference Center KICC on Tuesday July 9 with…

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024 –Bishop Allan Kunia founder Jubilee Christian Church JCC Nairobi has passed on. News about Kiuna’s death surfaced today Tuesday July 9 with those who, closely, knew him sending their heartfelt condolences. “This is extremely sad. RIP Bishop Allan Kiuna. Blessed are those who die in the LORD. They rest from their labour,” Paul Njoroge condoled. One Gicuri Muchiri noted that the body of Christ in the country had departed and wished his soul to rest in the eternal peace. “The Body of Christ in Kenya has today lost one of its most dependable servants and kingdom…

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Tuesday, July 9, 2024 –Opposition leader Raila Odinga and President William Ruto have orgainised a six-day forum staring Monday next week to dialogue. In a statement issued by President William Ruto at the KICC today Tuesday July 9, Ruto confirmed that, together with other stakeholders, they will have a week-long conversation surrounding the challenges currently facing the country. The event will also see the participants come up with the best way to form the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commissioners IEBC so that to start early preparations for the 2027 general election. “We welcome every stakeholder to work with us in…

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Monday, July 8, 2024 -Job interviews are tricky to win and be hired because millions of graduates are out there in the competition. Lazarus has been unemployed for 11 years now despite having graduated with First Class Honours. This is not his making but because job opportunities are competitive. Kenya is flooded with similar or even better degrees. “I have been making applications daily but never been lucky. I have traveled across the country attending interviews in various organizations but no job todate,” he recounted. It was not until he was linked to a powerful traditional healer and luck spell…

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Monday, July 8, 2024 -Lawyer Willis Otieno has accused the State for being extravagant while choosing to tax Kenyans more. Addressing the controversy surrounding the rejected Finance Bill 2024 on KTN tv, the seasoned lawyer said, President William Ruto had chosen to keep intact his expensive lifestyle while deciding to tax the already burdened country. Citing over 30 countries already visited by Ruto in the two year period he(Ruto) has been in office, Otieno noted that this makes part of the reasons the young men of this nation are angry at Kenya Kwanza leadership. “Since President Faye of Senegal was…

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