Sunday, May 9, 2021 -Relationship between MP Kimani Ngunjiri and Nakuru Woman Representative Susan Kihika has worsened.
Latest reports from Nakuru have it that the two allies-turned-foes can nolonger sit in the same meeting due to political reasons. Kimani for instance, has now disowned his earlier promise to support Ms Kihika for the 2022 Gubernatorial race. In his news statement, the vocal Bahati MP has poured cold water on Susan’s 2022 ambitions.
Daily Nation issue of Saturday May 8 reported that Mr. Ngunjiri had now made an about turn over Nakuru County 2022 succession politics. He claimed that the woman representative is not only corrupt but also not trustworthy.
“I want to be honest. I have been supporting Susan Kihika but I have decided to withdraw my support to her because it is only a fool who cannot change,” said Mr. Ngunjiri.
Mr. Ngunjiri added that the direction the MP was taking would harm many residents of Nakuru and therefore he can nolonger be part of it.
“I saw the direction she is taking and I thought it would be messy if she is elected as the governor of Nakuru. I don’t want to be associated with her. Count me out of her support team.
“History reveals a lot when she was Speaker of Nakuru County Assembly. She does not work with elected Members of Parliament or MCAs. It’s just last week when I was informed that she has looted public resources and this will escalate when she becomes the Governor. I can’t support her”.
The DP’s camp is currently facing upheavals resulting from power rivalry, fight for resources and mistrust.