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Saturday, February 6, 2021 -There is no one who can wish anyone on this earth disability because with it, comes shortcomings.
Anyone who falls in the category of disabled persons must be considered and accorded due respect so that he or she can fit in the society with the rest of us. But this again must however not be the a license to let them abuse others’ rights. Limits and boundaries must be observed.

Nominated Senator Isaac Mwaura is a man categorized in a disabled persons’ category but who, just like so many of them do, seems to be misusing that title for professional mileage. I know of so many disabled people who use their status to abuse others’ rights. Mwaura seems one of them!
Worse, the Senator looks like he has been hired deliberately to trade babs and cause confusion just because no one will touch him. His days, by bad luck, are numbered anyway.
There is no where on earth a disabled persons will be allowed by law to cause confusion and be left to walk scot free. Law is for everyone. Mwaura must respect the law or suffer like anyone else. It reminds me that not even one person is not disabled; every one of us is disabled or mad in away and so we all ought to respect each other. What is good for the goose; must be good for the gander.

What Honorable Junet Mohamed did in Turkana on Saturday was simply throwing an equal political salvo at a fellow politician and not a disabled person. He grabbed the nearest rod and used it to fight a political war. This was politics and not a religious rally and therefore we cannot spend all the day talking about Junet this or that.
Junet only said Mwaura’s unbecoming manners were nolonger tolerable. He capitalizes on his skin to get nominated. Raila nominated him, he is now abusing him, Uhuru nominated him and the same is happening; now he has moved to Ruto for another 2022 nomination. How many more times does he want to be nominated? He cannot be the only disabled person in Kenya. Is he practicing political prostitution?