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Sunday, May 23, 2021 -Uhuru Kenyatta’s long serving lawyer Fred Ngatia is missing in the legal defense team put together to fight for the Building Bridges Initiative BBI.
Always, Ngatia – a seasoned lawyer – has stood out to be Uhuru’s favourite lawyer who has appeared in many of his business and political cases among them the last two presidential petitions as had been filed by former Prime Minister Raila Odinga.

It therefore sounds much surprising for the lawyer to miss in the new lineup which Uhuru and his Handshake partner Raila Odinga are putting together for the big day at the Appellate Court to save the collapsing BBI Draft Bill.
Lawyer Ngatia and Uhuru’s friendship seems to be falling apart after the former failed to secure the position of Kenya’s chief justice. Since the bad news, he started accusing the president of having had a hand in the interview outcomes.
Infact, during his interview, the question about his relationship with Uhuru popped up in which he appeared to defend their relationship describing it as “just professional”.
Mr. Ngatia has been accusing Uhuru Kenyatta of having meddled into the selection of the new Chief Justice to succeed retired David Marga. Martha Koome would finally emerge top.
On the other hand, Raila Odinga has brought on board party rebels among them lawyers Otiende Amollo and James Orengo.