Disgruntled US President Donald Trump now claims Covid-19 vaccine delayed due to bad politics.

He blames both Barrack Obama and his choice Joe Biden for always pulling him back anytime he tried to make a breakthrough with the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.
Through his Twitter account, Trump noted that his democratic rivals have been pulling him back anytime he wants to make a progress on fighting the Coronavirus pandemic which has claimed several lives in the country and across the globe.
He goes on to allege that it was after elections were announced that the vaccine finally came out calling this retrogressive and bad politics.
“The @US_FDA and the Democrats didn’t want to have me get a Vaccine WIN, prior to the election, so instead it came out five days later – As I’ve said all along!” he announced.
Outgoing Trump who still thinks he is in power, argued that if Mr. Joe Biden was President, Americans wouldn’t have the Vaccine for another four years, nor would the US_FDA have ever approved it so quickly. The bureaucracy would have destroyed millions of lives!
The distressed President has since said he wants to make America big again despite having lost terribly to his Democratic rival Joe Biden and Vice Kamala Harris.
On Monday evening Trump, through his social media account, announced a breakthrough in vaccine saying it is effective 90 percent.
This is after America’s Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech finally announced their effective vaccine which Trump quickly claimed this was his work.